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My name in Clash Royale is NerdGuy, I am currently using a deck that has pushed me close to the legendary arena utilising the lava hound and ice wizard. The cards are, lava hound, ice wizard, Valkyrie, arrows, goblins, balloon, minions and minion horde.

This deck has a strong reliance on the lava hound, but it has enough flexibility to create many pushes. One of the primary flaws of this deck is its lack of a defence, so the deck relies on ice wizard, minions and goblins to defend against cards like the hog, Royal giant and giant. This deck shines in al oust all arenas, and has kept me above 2600+ for a while. One of its primary pushes is lava loon, keep in mind to do this in non double elixer time you must place the lava hound just before your elixer is full, wait until you have 8 elixer (keep in mind you will need arrows as well as a defense for minions and minion horde) then summon balloon behind the hound and arrow if you see minions or minion horde.

If you encounter a spawner use the valk and/or ice wizard to defend against multiple waves of troops. One of the decks other weaknesses is going to be the inferno tower, with its ability to destroy the lava hound and the balloon. The defence for this is minions or goblins, which allow you to destroy it for a positive elixer trade and counter push.

Another of this decks powerful pushes is the Lava Valk. This push relies on the Valkyrie doing damage while the lava hound is in tank form and the pups dominating towers with the valk tanking after the tank form of the lava hound is destroyed.

If you do not have the lava hound this deck cannot be used, however you can swap the ice wizard for the cannon if you do not have the ice wizard.

Another aspect of of this deck is it having minions and minion horde, since you can bait arrows with one and then dominate with the other.

When facing a tank with support troops, use the ice wiz to slow the tank and put the valk on the support troops before they hit the tower, to kill them with them geting no damage on the tower. Then after the ice wiz and valk are finished with killing the tank if you have it I would summon the lava hound in front for a powerful counter push.

When dealing with the sparky, if it is on its own surround with gobs to kill it, but if in front of a tank use the goblins to waste its charge then use minions to kill it for a positive elixer trade. On the other side of the spectrum when dealing with hog or Royal giant use ice wizard to reduce damage dealt and then use goblins or minions to kill the troop, then counter push with the ice wizard.

An effective push to use if your opponent is low on elixer use lava hound and wait for the tower to hit it, then summon goblins in front to do mass damage to the tower.

In a pinch where you need to distract a wizard or other air hitting troops use the lava hound then summon minions, goblins or minion horde to kill the troop/troops.


Other parts of the dark you learn through experience, I hope this deck helps you if you use it!



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